1. Installing and Configuring Parallel Computing Toolbox and MATLAB Distributed Computing Server
1.1 System Requirements
1.2 Parallel Computing with MATLAB on a Cluster
![Interaction between the Distributed Computing products](http://www.mathworks.com/support/product/DM/installation/images/interaction_new1.gif)
- Parallel Computing Toolbox (formerly Distributed Computing Toolbox) should be installed on the computer where you write your applications.
- MATLAB Distributed Computing Server (formerly MATLAB Distributed Computing Engine) should be installed on each computer of the cluster that performs the computation. install Licence Manager in Server
使用MDCE引擎建立集群,需要获得Mathworks公司的授权。Licence Manager可以通过Network方式下安装,在standalone方式下安装是没有的。在一个集群中只要一个Node安装License Manager,其它节点就可以获得授权。
1) choose "install manually without using the internet"
2) enter the "file installation key" xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx
3) check out "license manager" option
4) use "license_server.dat" when asked for license file
Windows Platform
1) 以管理员模式运行$MATLABROOT$/etc/win64/lmtools.exe
2) 选择Start/Stop Reread标签,单击Start Server
Linux&Unix Platform
1) 在$MATLAB$/etc/license.dat中有SERVER一栏,后面填入your hostname
2) 将license server的端口设置成27000
3) 设置DAEMON MLM为DAEMON MLM $MATLAB$/etc/lm_matlab
4) 设置OPTIONS=$MATLAB$/etc/lmopts.sh
5) 用普通用户运行./lmstart,开启License Manager
1) choose "install manually without using the internet" 2) enter the "file installation key" xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx 3) check out "license manager" option 4) use "license_server.dat" when asked for license file
1) 以管理员模式运行$MATLABROOT$/etc/win64/lmtools.exe 2) 选择Start/Stop Reread标签,单击Start Server
1) 在$MATLAB$/etc/license.dat中有SERVER一栏,后面填入your hostname 2) 将license server的端口设置成27000 3) 设置DAEMON MLM为DAEMON MLM $MATLAB$/etc/lm_matlab 4) 设置OPTIONS=$MATLAB$/etc/lmopts.sh 5) 用普通用户运行./lmstart,开启License Manager install Matlab Distrubuted Computing Engine (分布式计算引擎MDCE的安装)
Windows Platform
1) 用管理员启动cmd.exe, cd %MATLABROOT%/toolbox/distcomp/bin
2) > mdce install
3) > mdce start
4) WIN+R,输入services.msc,查看MDCS是否启动
5) 运行addMatlabToWindowsFirewall.bat, 配置防火墙,开放MDCE服务
说明windows服务默认Local System帐号启动,用Local System启动的服务是没有权限访问UNC(Universal Naming Convention)命名约定的网络资源,UNC格式为\\servername[server IP]\sharename\directory\filename。MDCE中传输和共享文件都是使用UNC命名约定,因此要使MDCE支持文件共享,启动它的用户需要有权限访问UNC网络资源。为了配置方便,用登入帐号启动MDCE服务,就可以访问共享资源。
Linux&Unix Platform
1) $cd $MATLABROOT$/toolbox/distcomp/bin
2) #./mdce install
3) #./mdce start
4) config iptables, make input chain ports tcp(135,139,445) and udp(137,138) open
说明在UNIX LIKE的系统中mdce是以ROOT身份启动的,可以轻松访问UNC格式的网络资源。
Windows Platform
1) 用管理员启动cmd.exe, cd %MATLABROOT%/toolbox/distcomp/bin 2) > mdce install
3) > mdce start
4) WIN+R,输入services.msc,查看MDCS是否启动
5) 运行addMatlabToWindowsFirewall.bat, 配置防火墙,开放MDCE服务
Linux&Unix Platform
1) $cd $MATLABROOT$/toolbox/distcomp/bin 2) #./mdce install 3) #./mdce start 4) config iptables, make input chain ports tcp(135,139,445) and udp(137,138) open
DNS设置 调度程序(Job Manager)和work node启动配置
if you can't run matlabpool, try this in command line:>> distcomp.feature( 'LocalUseMpiexec', false )or
>> matlabpool close
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