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1) Introduction
The knowledge or assumptions incorporated by the researcher in the protocol might be:- At a certain time after the presentation of a stimulus, the brain will process the stimulus.
- The brain will process repeated stimuli similarly.
- Electrical activity generated by the neurons in the brain has certain properties that distinguish it from artifacts, such as amplitude (eye movements result in much larger scalp potentials) or distribution (signals originating from the brain are picked up simultaneously by multiple neighboring electrodes).
- The scalp distribution of the EEG/MEG depends on the location of the underlying activity.
- Oscillatory activity is produced by certain brain regions.
These tools can be combined in an analysis protocol that for example looks like Figure 1.
Figure 1; Analysis protocol for Event-Related Potentials (ERPs)
- Functions for preprocessing, reading and coverting data (e.g. ft_preprocessing)
- Functions for analyzing event-related fields or potentials (ERF/ERP) (e.g. ft_timelockanalysis)
- Functions for frequency and time-frequency analysis (e.g. ft_freqanalysis)
- Functions for source analysis (e.g. ft_sourceanalysis)
- Functions for statistical analysis (e.g. ft_timelockstatistics)
- Functions for plotting and displaying the data (e.g. ft_multiplotER)
- Function for real-time acquisition and analysis (e.g. ft_realtime_average)
The full list of functions can be found here.
2) Preprocessing - Reading continuous data (EEG)
- read the data for the EEG channels using ft_preprocessing, apply a filter and refererence to linked mastoids
- read the data for the horizontal and vertical EOG channels using ft_preprocessing, and compute the horizontal and vertical bipolar EOG derivations
- combine the EEG and EOG into a single data representation using ft_appenddata
- determine interesting pieces of data based on the trigger events using ft_definetrial
- segment the continuous data into trials using ft_redefinetrial
- segment the continuous data into one-second pieces using ft_redefinetrial
%%%%%%%%% define and preprocessing data %%%%%%%%%%%%%
cfg = [];cfg.dataset = '*.eeg';data_org = ft_preprocessing(cfg); % raw datacfg.trialdef.eventtype = 'Stimulus';% cfg.trialdef.eventtype = '?'; % get the eventvalues
cfg.trialdef.eventvalue = {'S 16', 'S 32'};cfg.trialdef.prestim = 0.1;
% 2 stimulus
cfg.trialdef.poststim = 0.8; % -100 ms ~ 800 ms
cfg_stimulus = ft_definetrial(cfg);data_stimulus = ft_redefinetrial(cfg_stimulus,data_org);% new data by trials
3) Introduction: dealing with artifacts
3.1) rejecting the piece of data containing the artifact (e.g. for a short-lived artifact)
Manual/visual detection- ft_databrowser (prefer to use this method)
%%%%%%%%% artifact rejection %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
cfg_stimulus.method = 'trial';
cfg_stimulus.alim = 200;
% set scaling to 200 micro Vlot
data_stimulus_rejectArtifact = ft_rejectvisual (cfg_stimulus,data_stimulus);
%%%%%%%%% artifact rejection %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%cfg.blocksize = 100; %100s per segment
cfg_reject = ft_databrowser(cfg,data_org);
data_stimulus_rejectArtifact = ft_rejectartifact(cfg_reject, data_stimulus);
3.2) subtracting the spatio-temporal contribution of the artifact from the data (e.g. for line noise)
4) Re-referencing
This can be done at first step.
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% re-referencing %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%cfg = [];cfg.reref = 'yes';cfg.refchannel = {'2'}; %the channels '2'is used as the new referencedata_stimulus_rejectArtifact_reref = ft_preprocessing(cfg,data_stimulus_rejectArtifact);
5) Filtering
This can be done at first step.
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Filtering %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%cfg_filt = [];
lowPass = 250;
highPass = 1;
cfg_filt.lpfilter = 'yes';
cfg_filt.lpfreq = [lowPass];
cfg_filt.hpfilter = 'yes';
cfg_filt.hpfreq = [highPass];
data_filt = ft_preprocessing(cfg_filt, data_reref);
if (exist('data_stimulus_rejectArtifact','var')||exist('data_stimulus_rejectArtifact_reref','var'))
if reref==1
data_filt = ft_preprocessing (cfg_filt,data_stimulus_rejectArtifact_reref);
data_filt = ft_preprocessing (cfg_filt,data_stimulus_rejectArtifact);
elseif exist('data_stimulus','var')
data_filt = ft_preprocessing (cfg_filt,data_stimulus);
6)Time-Frequency analysis
%%%%%%%%% Time-Frequency analysis %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
cfg = [];
lowFreq = 1;
highFreq = 30;
stepFreq = 1;
widthFactor = 1;
cfg.method = 'wavelet';
cfg.width = widthFactor;
cfg.output = 'pow';
cfg.foi = lowFreq : stepFreq : highFreq;
cfg.toi = -0.1 : 0.05 : 0.8;
cfg.trials = find(data_filt.trialinfo(:,1) == 'triggerCode');
TFRwave_singletrigger{triggerCode} = ft_freqanalysis(cfg, data_filt);
%%%%%%%%% plot Time-Frequency analysis %%%%%%%%%%%%%
temp = TFRwave_singletrigger{triggerCode}.powspctrm (channel,:,:);
temp = reshape(temp,size(temp,2),size(temp,3));
7) Timelock analysis
The function ft_timelockanalysis makes averages of all the trials in a data structure. It requires preprocessed data.
reference: http://fieldtrip.fcdonders.nl/tutorial/eventrelatedaveraging
reference: http://fieldtrip.fcdonders.nl/tutorial/eventrelatedaveraging
%%%%%%%%%%%%% timelock analysis %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
cfg = [];
data_temp = ft_timelockanalysis (cfg, data_filt);
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% set baseline %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
cfg = [];
cfg.baseline = [-0.1,0];
%%%%%%%%% plot Timelock analysis %%%%%%%%%%%%%
plot(data_singletrigger{triggerCode}.time, data_singletrigger{triggerCode}.avg(channel,:));
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